Building bridges worldwide

Empowering Guyanese Globally

"We, the people, are Guyana’s greatest natural resource."

A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

G.O.L.D.R.U.S.H. Association

Guyana’s Overseas and Local Descendants leveraging Resources and Unity for a Successful Homeland (“G.O.L.D.R.U.S.H.”) Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering unity and excellence within the Guyanese community. We are committed to harnessing the collective power of the global Guyanese community and collaborating with other global entities to catalyze development for our people and homeland.

Some of our values :

Cultural Pride

Promoting a positive attitude towards our homeland and communities through social media.


Collaborating amongst each other and with international agencies to engage and support Guyanese people.


Events held to contribute to the social, professional, and economic vitality of Guyanese people and businesses.

G.O.L.D.R.U.S.H. Association employs a diverse range of strategies to actively contribute to the cultural, social, and economic upliftment of our community. Our “GYaff with G.O.L.D.R.U.S.H.” call-in podcast serves as a modern “telephone line” connecting the entire Guyanese community worldwide.”

What We Do

Our Vision

To transform the “land of many waters” into the “land of many opportunities”.

Get Involved

Join Us On An Empowering Journey

YOU ARE GOLD! Together, as we celebrate our heritage, elevate our communities, and build bridges that unite us, we can rewrite the narrative of Guyana’s future—one filled with opportunity, inclusivity, and boundless potential for all.